Getting Started

Firstly, make sure the API is correctly installed and go through the installation process. If the installation was successful, open the command line in the main directory of the API and start Python with command:


Now we will discuss using the remote module, with specifications on the local module following later. At the end of the page we will also discuss how to set your own remote server to download the data on your own if necessary.

Using Data from Remote server

With the Python running in the command line, you can, for example, download the individual batting statistics, by running following commands:

import remote.client.download_stats as dw

# download individual batting statistics
data = dw.load_individual_batters()

# access downloaded data

# access summed data

# access file name

# access time when the data was downloaded to the server

This will download the most recent individual batter statistics and prepare them in a format that can be further processed. For more options on the kind of statistics that can be accessed please read the download_stats page.

Computing Statistics

If you have data loaded in the data variable, as in the section above, you can start computing the statistics:

import remote.client.stats

# get number of at-bat(AB) per player

# compute isolated power(ISO) for player with
# at least 20 plate appearances
stats.ISO(data.player_data, 20)

If you have batters data loaded, but try to compute pitcher statistics an error may occur:

# bat_individual

# AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'dtype'

So make sure you are always only computing the valid statistics. Read stats documentation page to see, which methods are available for which data.

Computing statistics returns Series object that contains the computed statistics for every available player (this can either be all players, or only the players that fulfill the minimal plate appearances requirement). However, the result does not contain the names of the players the statistics belong to. You can therefore associate the computed statistics with the names as follows:

# get players at-bat
res = stats.AB(data.player_data)

# get names of the players associated with the computed statistics
stats.names_to_data(data.player_data, res)

# get names of the players associated with the computed statistics
# and sort the data in descending order
stats.sort_computed_data(data.player_data, res)

# get names of the players associated with the computed statistics
# and sort the data in ascending order
stats.sort_computed_data(data.player_data, res, ascending = True)

For more information on statistics that can be computed via the API read stats documentation page.

Downloading Data Locally

You can use local module to automatically download the data locally. To download tthe CSV files use following commands:

import as dw
import local.constants as cs

# download all individual statistics

# download all team statistics

# download all statistics

# download single statistic, individual batters
dw.download_stats(category = cs.CATEGORIES[0], team_stats = False)

If successful the data should be saved in the “/data/” directory.

You can then load the downloaded data as Data_CSV class:

import local.load_file

# load individual batters stored in /data/ directory
data = load_file.load_individual_batters()

This will allow you to use the loaded data the same way as in the remote module.

Setting Up Remote Server

You can also set your own server that will download the CSV data automatically and store them to the server’s local drive, or a remote FTP. The provided scripts should allow you to easily deploy the server to any remote server with Python and Linux distribution on it.

Use Dockerfile to install all required dependencies.

Script is the main server script that accepts the requests from the clients and returns requested files, if available.

Script is set up to automatically download the statistics locally, and send them to a FTP server.

For safety reason, information about the FTP server, such as server URL, or login information, are set locally as environmental variables. For more information read the Data scraping <data_scraping.html>_ documentation page.