
The baseballcz-statistics API provides two ways to work with the data. First off, you can access a remote server and compute the statistics without needing to download the CSV data locally. This will use CSV files from a remote server that are downloaded daily.

The second option is to download the CSV files locally and work with the data.


As this is a Python API, make sure you have Python 3+ installed. You can download Python from the official page. You can also download Anaconda distribution to have some of the required libraries installed right away.

To install the API first download the source codes from the github page. You can either clone the repository, or click on the green Clone or Download button, then click Download ZIP.

If you downloaded ZIP file, extract it to your disk.


There are two modules available. Remote module contains scripts that work with data on the remote server. Local module contains scripts that allow you to download and work with the data locally.

Required Libraries

To install the required libraries, open the command line in the main directory of the API.

If you’d like to install and use remote module, run the following command:

pip install /remote/requirements.txt

If you’d like to install and use local module, run the following command:

pip install /local/requirements.txt

If you are installing local module you will need to set up Firefox webdriver. Please follow the instruction on Selenium page to correctly set them up. BaseballCZ-Statistics currently doesn’t support downloading via other browsers.

Test Installation

To test whether all the parts of the installation process were successful, open the command line in the main directory of the API. Then start Python interpreter by typing:


and try to import a module from the API. If you installed remote module type:

import remote.client.stats

or if you installed local module type:

import local.stats

If you didn’t encounter any errors, the API is ready to be used.